Category Archives: LINUX

[Rx] VM Virtualbox and AVIRA Antivirus Conflict

Merge02Virtualbox (current version 5.0.10)  is free software for  creating  virtual machines, VMs. These are other computer operating systems and programs running in a self-contained window on your operating system.

Avira 15.0.15 is a free antivirus software that I’ve used for years.

The long and short of this post is that there is a conflict with these versions causing error messages to pop up.

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[Rx] Error with VirtualBox Start-Up File

I downloaded an .iso of Ubuntu Server 14.04.3 LTS for a VM in VirtualBox. After applying all the settings for a new VM, I hit the green arrow Show icon to run on the top menu (with Ubuntu highlighted below). There was a list of OS iso files, but none were the right one. I pressed the little folder icon to select the file and got an error message.

The workaround is to go back into VirtualBox and hit the golden cog Settings icon.  Select Storage. There’s a little CD with a down arrow icon on the right. Click that and select you .iso file. Now, everything should work like a champ.


[Rx] Linux Mint – Updating UPDATE MANAGER

UpdateManagerI have LinuxMint 17.1 VM under Win7.  This morning, when I ran Mint, a message popped up and said that there were updates via Update Manager.

I’m not an expert on Linux by any means, but figured I’d better install them, about 400MB worth. Guess which program didn’t update? Yep,  Update Manager. It was suppose to be the latest version 4.8.4. 

I opened up a terminal window and this did the job via command line:

sudo apt-get update        # Fetches the list of available updates
sudo apt-get upgrade       # Strictly upgrades the current packages
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  # Installs updates (new ones)

Remember that you need to enter your super-secret password after each sudo command. I also used the default for any install errors.

A Near Death Out of Bodhi Experience



IT TOOK ME AWHILE TO find a Linux distro that I liked for my eeePC. I settled on Bodhi Linux. I spent days customizing and setting up.  This was the first version that worked better than advertised and gave new life to the netbook. I was so happy to hear that a major update was coming at the end of summer.

The deadlines came and went and the  update is still spinning around in 3.0RC1. 

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