If you’re looking for a “light” alternative to WordPress that doesn’t require a massive learning curve, PHP-driven HTMLy just might fit the ticket.
HTMLy a simple PHP CMS program that stores all the posts in Markdown. It’s also open source and free. It looks like recent development is a few months old, which is a concern. There is not a lot of documentation available either. Many of these applications are one-man shows. If this guy disappears, so does the program. The good news is that the github issue forum is active.
1. Install Using Installer.php
For a localhost install, just place the installer.php file in the www subdirectory called something like htmly and run.
Once you’ve selected a Username, Password, etc., press [Install via Tool].
2. Create a Post
If the install does what it’s supposed to do, you’re dumped into Add content for your first blog post. On the left side is the data entry. Since you write the posts in Markdown, to the right is a WYSIWYG view.
3. Review Post.
You can select other themes using Config and changing the views.root variable. The default is WP Twentysixteen.
I’ve just started playing with this. I like the idea of having all the posts stored in a flat-file. I think a little work on the interface and more documentation could go a long way to making it even better.
I think this would be a great simple blog interface for a moderately tech-savvy person.