Category Archives: NOTES

It’s Alive! Site Back from the Dead.

Bride-of-FrankensteinIt’s been a long haul, amigos. Part of no posting was pure laziness, then came the pandemic toilet paper hoarding, a new computer, and finally an install of Windows 10.

Anyway, I do have some catching up to do. I noticed that my site now is insecure. I always suspected it had a confidence issue. Hahaha! Seriously, I don’t collect any data… so it shouldn’t matter all that much. But, I will get to it. Eventually.

Now let’s get ready to have some fun!

Dreaded WLW Split Post Bug


I still use Windows Live Writer 2012 for posting. There is a weird occasional software bug that deletes all the content after inserting a split post that inserts the html tag:


Most of the everything works as advertised. Maybe it’s something to do with changing a font or something after you set the tag. The result is poof–gone forever. It’s more than a bit irritating if you’ve already finished your post.

If you want to be safe, either wait until the whole post is complete and add the tag or just wait and do it within WordPress (safest option).

But Wait There Might A Chance to Recover. If you’re lucky there could be a html file of the lost post hidden away in a temp folder which I believe is created for the preview tab.

I found mine at:


This might be stored in a different temp folder for your particular post. Best bet is to search for the folder: “WindowsLiveWriter1286139640”. Inside this folder, there should be subfolders. I found my missing content in the most recent folder.


The easiest way to get everything back is to open the index.htm and from the browser copy the webpage with select all and then paste into a new WLW post. After all the content is back, reformat and make it look pretty again. Still a pain, but much better than rewriting from memory.


Your Emails are NOT Safe

planetsThe planets aligned and I lost three years of emails. I had backups and, as a last resort, surely my host did too, right? Nope.

It’s too late for my emails. Maybe it’s not too late for yours. Here’s what happened and how you can keep your emails safe.

It started simple enough. I had some domains on 1 & 1 Internet, a web hosting company base out of Germany, and wanted to move a block of domains to another registrar. I’d been with 1&1 a long time and never thought much about support. Most of what I do isn’t exactly life or death. Continue reading »

What is Grunt?


What the heck is a JavaScript Task Runner?

Grunt is a command line tool that runs on Node.js and automates your JavaScript build process.

Grunt is an “easy” way compile coffeescript, sass, compass. It can minify, concatenate, and a whole lot more. Everything is simple… as long as you know what you’re doing.

I put the install process for both Node.js and Grunt in the post on Trimming CSS Fat.


Chromium Browser


We don’t need you to type at all because we know where you are. We know
where you’ve been. We can more or less guess what you’re thinking

– Eric Schmidt, Former Google CEO

Chromium is the Open Source version of the Google Chrome Browse. There are some differences like auto-updates,  the integrated Adobe Flash Player or RLZ tracking. The binaries are available from:

There are also “better” versions with 20% less calories and no trans fat rolled out by other companies, such as Comodo Dragon:    End_Sign.12

Site Design

scrsht_01Sometimes, a screenshot says it all. My text seems to push to the left and that looks funky. Hmm.

When I made up this little memory-aide site, I wasn’t too concerned about aesthetics. My goals were:

1. Clean/Functional. Easy to write and easy to read.
2. Responsive. Readable on various devices.
3. Spam-less. No spamy comments.

Normally, I use a plain sheet of paper to get the basic layout done. I kind of winged it on this one. Once I get my new local development set up, there are a few things on the to-do list:

  1. Add More Left and Top Margins
  2. Create a Better Instructional Template

No worries. Content is still king.

[RANT] Why Do “Free” Web Email Accounts Need My Cell Number?

cellphone01I went to Yahoo to set up a special account for just my creative writing endeavors. I got everything set up and then it asked for my cell number. What?!! It isn’t enough that free web mail providers have my email. Now, they want my cell number on top of that for “security purposes.” Yeah, right.

One that didn’t ask for my cell was GMX

I read through their terms and it basically says you can’t send/receive anything that looks, smells, or might even be illegal, immoral, or just plain bad without violating the agreement. If you can live with that, it’s a cell-free option.

While I haven’t set it up, it also looks like the service will allow fetching via POP3 and IMAP. Here’s the link to how to set up Thunderbird:

GMX is owned by 1&1 of the webhosting/registration fame. A first glance, GMX looks better than 1&1’s own webmail. Some comments said to beware that GMX is a bait and  switch “deal” to the 1&1 paid email server service.

Warning: There are lots of complaints about email accounts being blocked by GMX. If you’re using this mail as a spam dump, that shouldn’t be too big of a deal. If you’re concerned, download your emails with POP3/IMAP.

Offline WordPress

2014-11-15_175125I use Instant WordPress (IWP) for developing WordPress offline and I use  Windows Live Writer (WLW) tool for writing content. There was some sort of trick that I used to get WLW to work and I don’t remember exactly what I did. See boys and girls, why I need to document, document, document? Nuts. I know it had something do with the url address of the WordPress directory.

Anyway, I found a WLW 2012 portable via the ever-trusty Internet. This worked great until Windows Updater “helped” me out by overwriting my files with the latest and greatest. Anyway, this is just a note to let me know that it can be repaired. How? Beats me. Hopefully, I’ll write it up next time it happens (with screen shots and all!)